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Segway Tours

Our guided tours of Lyon on segways …

It’s spring 🌸 I love riding a Segway … 😋

Discovery Segway Tour 1h

Discovery Segway Tour 1h

Segway Historic Tour 1.5h

Segway Escape Game 1.5h

Tete d'or parc Segway tour 2h

Great Segway Tour 3h

Other tours of Lyon (Visit available upon request)

Fourviere Segway Tour 1h

Along the River Segway tour 1.5h

Confluence Segway Tour 2h

Unexpected tours in Lyon

Discover our Segway guided tours of another kind thanks to our segways. If you have never used segways before, you will see that it’s easy and very funny. Self-balancing human transporters (Segway) are electric vehicles composed of two parallel wheels and a tilting handlebar. You only have to bend your body forward to go forward, and to bend it backward to brake. If you want to turn, you only have to incline your handlebar toward the desired direction. What about balance? Don’t worry, our self-balancing human transporters are balanced thanks to a technology called ‘dynamic balance’. You don’t need to be a tightrope walker to handle a self-balancing human transporter.

Our Segway guided tours start with a 20-minute introduction to the handling of Segways. As soon as everybody is comfortable, we go to explore Lyon and its treasures.

Our tours are accessible for children from 14 years of age. If you want to do the tour with a child under 14 years old we can provide a bike or you can come with his/her bike or scooter. You can also rent an electric scooter belonging to a self-service rental company (such as Dott, Tier, etc… You must rent them according to their general terms and conditions). In any case, you will be responsible for the behavior of your child during the tour.

Our tours are available every day and start at 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 3:30 pm, and 5:30 pm. We also offer a deposit service in the agency: you can leave your bags safely during your tour on segways.

Before each departure, our guides « Segway instructors » will train you to the handling of self-balancing human transporters to make sure the tour will be safe. Then, they will get you to take part in a guided tour of Lyon through one of our numerous itineraries to make you discover the 2000 years of history of this city.

The different tours that we propose will allow you to travel through time: you will explore the past, the present and the future of Lyon. Its cultural heritage is always surprising. By passing through the district of the Old Town you will discover the Lyon of the Renaissance period, and in the Confluence district you will see the most modern part of Lyon. Between these two steps, you may explore the banks of the Rhône river or climb to the Croix-Rousse hill on the trail of silk workers of Lyon.

Our tours can be done on Segways or on electric bikes.

Casanova, Nostradamus, and others had a privileged link with the city of Lyon. Over the centuries, Lyon became a place full of mysteries and legends and it is characterized by the presence of famous people.

Lyon is also a place in line with the 21st century with the Contemporary Art Biennale, a Dance Biennale, and the creation of the Confluence district.
From the creation of Lugdunum in 43 BC by Munatius Plancus to the creation of the new district of Confluence, the 2000 years of History make Lyon a surprising and enchanting city. »

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